The Doctor's Notebook

chiromend-the-doctors-notebookA notebook is probably an understatement. There’s 60+ pages of great information in this valuable resource. And it covers a whole variety of topics, from selecting the proper shoes (and don’t under estimate how important your shoes are) to the “real” scoop on vitamins and whether you should be taking them or not. Here’s a peek at what you’ll find inside….

  • How your body’s own immune system can be fooled into doing very bad things and how you can make it behave (pg. 5)
  • Why dairy might not be your best friend (pg. 8)
  • The scary truth about vitamins and what you might be getting along with your A, B, and C’s  (pg. 14)
  • The five supplements we insist our family members take (and you should too) (pg. 19)
  • If you thought salt was salt, you’ll be stunned after reading this (pg. 24)
  • The sweeteners we tell everyone to enjoy and the ones we wish banned from store shelves (yet you might be taking them every day)  (pg. 27)
  • Why aspirin or ibuprofen can be very, very bad for women to take (pg. 33)
  • The one nutrient many of us are starving for yet it’s all around us (and potentially dangerous) (pg. 37)
  • How you could be treating heartburn totally wrong (this will really surprise you) and simple tips to alleviate symptoms (pg. 47)
  • Great tips for sinus infections and how to avoid them all together (pg. 54)
  • Our three secrets to weight loss (and these aren’t what you’d expect) (pg. 55)
  • Plus way, way more. Let me send it to you now. Just a first name and email to send it to and you’re all set towards your optimal health!
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